This is the sixth edition of Who Pays What 2014, the most comprehensive analysis of empty beverage container collection and costs in Canada. You can download the whole thing (27.6MB!) or individual parts below. This year we’ve tried something new. In addition to being downloadable and viewable in full-colour PDF format, we’ve summarized the report using […]
Recent news
E-waste Management in Canada – Shortcomings and Opportunities for Improvement
With the recent closing of Sims Recycling Solutions throughout Canada, this is a good time to take stock of how Canadians manage e-waste. This article was written after several of research work on the management of e-waste in Canada by the team at CM Consulting. It serves as an important summary of what is currently […]
A Look at Access to Recycling in USA
With the proliferation of recycling programs for packaging and paper across North America, the need for meaningful performance measurements has become increasingly important, not only for municipal and state governments, but for manufacturers and retailers of packaged food and consumer goods as well. Clarissa Morawski, Principal, CM Consulting provides a concise status report on Access […]
Tracking Recycling Access in Canada
As recycling stewardship evolves in Canada, so too does the need to measure the success of various programs. Diversion rates and recycling rates are primary key performance indicators (KPIs), but other information can also offer insight into the strengths and weaknesses of a particular program. In the case of packaging waste, which is generally collected by individual municipalities or regional […]
Latest Beverage Container Recycling Rate from the US
This month, The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) released its latest set of recycling data which focuses on beverage containers. CRI has been closely monitoring beverage container recycling using the most comprehensive set of return/recycling data on a State by State basis, as well as sales which is carefully sourced by beverage and material type on […]
Building a Recycling Guideline in Ontario
This August, the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) posted a Notice of Intent to work on the development of a new guideline, SPE750 — Recycling Process, Audit and Verification Guideline for Ontario. These guidelines will be a warm welcome by those in the waste management industry who for years have been frustrated by insufficient recycling standards and minimal enforcement. As it currently stands, […]
Introducing Recycling Access Rates in Canada
Knowing the percentage of Canadians that have access to recycling programs that accept your product’s packaging is critical. Identifying where and who has access to recycling is invaluable information as brandowners and suppliers consider packaging design and labeling. Corporations and industry groups are working with municipalities and recycling companies to improve the availability of recycling […]
WEEE are Experiencing Technical Difficulties
Every September, I face a new class of third-year Environmental Resource Science students at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario. The course title is “Waste Management.” My very first lecture is always the same: it starts with how we measure waste. It may seem simple, but the various measurements used for waste and recycling require careful […]
CM Consulting releases The Canadian WEEE Report 2013
The report clarifies and offers valuable information regarding WEEE management in Canada including the costs of these programs, the methodologies used to measure their performance, and who is ultimately responsible for program operation. Also included is a discussion around industry best practices and the international policies that force producers to design more sustainable, less toxic […]
CM Consulting comments on household battery recycling definition
California’s AB 488 offers an eroded definition of recycling which presents a dangerous slippery slope. Click here for our comments.