On September 9th, 2015, Clarissa Morawski, Managing Director of the Reloop Platform (www.reloopplatform.eu) had the opportunity to join fellow ISWA (International Solid Waste Association) bloggers Ranjith Annepu (Waste Wise), Bilikiss Adebiyi-Abiola (WeCyclers), Rob Buurman (Bond Beter Leefmilieu), and Zoë Lenkiewicz (communications and business developmentconsultant) on stage in the final conference session. Clarissa reflected on the […]
Life Cycle Assessment
Renewed Support for Deposit Return in Belgium
Officials are taking a closer look at a solution for increasing the quantity and quality of reuse and recycling in Belgium. In August 2014, Walloon’s Minister for Environment, Spatial Planning, Mobility and Transport, Airports and Animal Welfare, Carlo Di Antonio, acknowledged that Wallonia has a litter problem. To help clean up the mess, he has […]
Clarissa Morawski discusses Circular Economy on The Agenda
As the European Commission considers its legislative package to deal with waste and de-carbonization, Clarissa Morawski talks about Circular Economy and how it can improve our lives.
Building a Recycling Guideline in Ontario
This August, the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) posted a Notice of Intent to work on the development of a new guideline, SPE750 — Recycling Process, Audit and Verification Guideline for Ontario. These guidelines will be a warm welcome by those in the waste management industry who for years have been frustrated by insufficient recycling standards and minimal enforcement. As it currently stands, […]
WEEE are Experiencing Technical Difficulties
Every September, I face a new class of third-year Environmental Resource Science students at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario. The course title is “Waste Management.” My very first lecture is always the same: it starts with how we measure waste. It may seem simple, but the various measurements used for waste and recycling require careful […]
CM Consulting releases The Canadian WEEE Report 2013
The report clarifies and offers valuable information regarding WEEE management in Canada including the costs of these programs, the methodologies used to measure their performance, and who is ultimately responsible for program operation. Also included is a discussion around industry best practices and the international policies that force producers to design more sustainable, less toxic […]
CM Consulting comments on household battery recycling definition
California’s AB 488 offers an eroded definition of recycling which presents a dangerous slippery slope. Click here for our comments.
Canada Takes Charge – E-Scrap News on Canadian Battery Report
As electronics become increasingly mobile, batteries are becoming an increasingly significant portion of the e-scrap stream. Several canadian provinces have implemented stewardship programs, but how far do they go, and how effective are they at managing batteries? Click here for full article
CM talks batteries in Solid Waste & Recycling Mag
In the June/July 2012 edition of Solid Waste and Recycling Magazine, Clarissa Morawski presents key findings from the recently released Managing Canada’s Waste Batteries 2012, which covers a broad range of issues associated with portable battery collection and recycling in Canada. For the article click here: June/July 2012 SWRMag For the report click here: Managing Canada’s Waste Batteries 2012
Battery Recycling Boost – CM Consulting releases study reviewing battery recycling programs across Canada
May 16, 2012, Peterborough, Ontario – New producer responsibility laws that regulate portable battery collection and recycling have been in place in British Columbia and Ontario since 2010 and in Manitoba since 2011. Quebec’s program will commence this summer. Transparency and clarity on the performance of these new initiatives are critical to understanding the differences, […]