27 July 2016 – Last month’s decision by U.K. voters to withdraw from the European Union has generated a lot of questions over the potential impact on jobs, the economy and trade within the U.K. But for those in the U.K. waste management sector, the greatest concern is the potential impact of Brexit on both national and […]
Dispatches from Europe: Why Container Deposit Systems are Gaining Ground
29 June 2016 – Since being introduced to the market, single-use beverage containers have caused much debate – both in the beverage industry and among politicians and the public. A simple question sits at the center of the arguing: What’s the most efficient way to collect beverage containers for high-quality recycling? Though there are many who continue to […]
Dispatches from Europe: A Rush of Regulations on Plastic Bags
2 June 2016 – An iconic symbol of our linear, throwaway economy, single-use plastic bags are a major source of environmental pollution, especially in marine environments where animals are often injured or killed after becoming entangled or ingesting plastic bags mistaken for food. According to the European Commission, an estimated 100 billion plastic carrier bags […]
Dispatches from Europe: Circular Economy Explained
15 March 2016 – In the first of a series of columns digging into the details of sustainability and materials recovery abroad, Clarissa explains how the European Commission is legislating the circular economy and what it means for the recycling industry. Read the article in Resource Recycling magazine here.
Clarissa Morawski discusses Circular Economy on The Agenda
As the European Commission considers its legislative package to deal with waste and de-carbonization, Clarissa Morawski talks about Circular Economy and how it can improve our lives.
Newly Released: Who Pays What 2014
This is the sixth edition of Who Pays What 2014, the most comprehensive analysis of empty beverage container collection and costs in Canada. You can download the whole thing (27.6MB!) or individual parts below. This year we’ve tried something new. In addition to being downloadable and viewable in full-colour PDF format, we’ve summarized the report using […]
WEEE are Experiencing Technical Difficulties
Every September, I face a new class of third-year Environmental Resource Science students at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario. The course title is “Waste Management.” My very first lecture is always the same: it starts with how we measure waste. It may seem simple, but the various measurements used for waste and recycling require careful […]
Recycling and Jobs
Last month the jobs market suffered its biggest loss in two and a half years, bumping the Canadian unemployment rate up to 7.3 per cent. Overall, 54,000 jobs were lost, mainly from the manufacturing and construction sectors (Canadian Press, November 2011). Politicians in Canada and south of the boarder are heeding the call to boost […]
CM Consulting and Sound Resource Management respond to Nestle Waters criticism of Jobs Report
The authors of a recent report on jobs and recycling have responded in Plastics News to criticisms from Nestle Waters. Read the letter here http://plasticsnews.com/headlines2.html?id=24287 Read the full report here http://www.container-recycling.org/assets/pdfs/reports/2011-ReturningToWork.pdf
Nestle Waters responds to CRI Jobs report
Nestle Waters responded to the CRI Jobs report in the trade magazine Plastics News. Read the letter here http://plasticsnews.com/headlines2.html?id=24150 read the report here http://www.container-recycling.org/assets/pdfs/reports/2011-ReturningToWork.pdf