24 February, 2016 – CM Consulting is pleased to announce that the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) has released a new report providing technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management (ESM) of spent lead-acid batteries (SLABs) in North America. The guidelines represent the culmination of a 2-year development process during which a team of consultants, […]
Clarissa Morawski discusses Circular Economy on The Agenda
As the European Commission considers its legislative package to deal with waste and de-carbonization, Clarissa Morawski talks about Circular Economy and how it can improve our lives.
The Evolving Ton
In May 2014, in an effort to better forecast and prepare for future tonnages and material types, and to target communication and education for the program in the future, the City of Calgary commissioned CM Consulting, Kelleher Environmental and Sound Resource Management to study the factors that are influencing the downward trend in recycling. Key […]
CM Consulting releases The Canadian WEEE Report 2013
The report clarifies and offers valuable information regarding WEEE management in Canada including the costs of these programs, the methodologies used to measure their performance, and who is ultimately responsible for program operation. Also included is a discussion around industry best practices and the international policies that force producers to design more sustainable, less toxic […]
Canada Takes Charge – E-Scrap News on Canadian Battery Report
As electronics become increasingly mobile, batteries are becoming an increasingly significant portion of the e-scrap stream. Several canadian provinces have implemented stewardship programs, but how far do they go, and how effective are they at managing batteries? Click here for full article
Recovery Questions (2011)
As the debate around strategies to recover beverage containers heats up again, so too does the interest in quality information. For readers interested in said illumination, Who Pays What 2010 (the fourth edition) fills the bill, as it houses everything one needs to know about beverage container recovery in Canada. While some might choose to […]
Packaging Stewardship — A Package of Responsibility (2010)
With Maine’s recent passing of the nation’s first stewardship framework legislation,all eyes may turn to Central Canada, specifically Ontario, to see how exactly such a lawcould play out, in terms of industry funding, costs and how it could improvethe recycling of packaging and printed paper for municipalities. At the close of this past March, Maine […]