18 May 2016 – Over the last few years, the concept of “circular economy” has gained increased momentum and attention, becoming a buzzword in policy and business circles around the world. A characteristic feature of the circular economy is that natural resources are not disposed of or depleted, but are instead kept in use for […]
Circular Economy
Lead Acid Battery Recycling Guideline for North America just released
24 February, 2016 – CM Consulting is pleased to announce that the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) has released a new report providing technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management (ESM) of spent lead-acid batteries (SLABs) in North America. The guidelines represent the culmination of a 2-year development process during which a team of consultants, […]
Monetize the eco-externalities
On September 9th, 2015, Clarissa Morawski, Managing Director of the Reloop Platform (www.reloopplatform.eu) had the opportunity to join fellow ISWA (International Solid Waste Association) bloggers Ranjith Annepu (Waste Wise), Bilikiss Adebiyi-Abiola (WeCyclers), Rob Buurman (Bond Beter Leefmilieu), and Zoë Lenkiewicz (communications and business developmentconsultant) on stage in the final conference session. Clarissa reflected on the […]
Renewed Support for Deposit Return in Belgium
Officials are taking a closer look at a solution for increasing the quantity and quality of reuse and recycling in Belgium. In August 2014, Walloon’s Minister for Environment, Spatial Planning, Mobility and Transport, Airports and Animal Welfare, Carlo Di Antonio, acknowledged that Wallonia has a litter problem. To help clean up the mess, he has […]
Clarissa Morawski discusses Circular Economy on The Agenda
As the European Commission considers its legislative package to deal with waste and de-carbonization, Clarissa Morawski talks about Circular Economy and how it can improve our lives.
Reloop: Vision of a Circular Economy
In the final months of the European Commission’s deliberations over their new Circular Economy Package, Reloop is actively engaged in the consultation process, working with stakeholders to clearly articulate the kinds of legislative changes needed propel a shift from a linear to a more circular economy.
Reloop launched
March 25th marked the official launch of Reloop, the first pan-euro organization specifically focused on issues relating to waste prevention, reduction, and recycling that represents industry, government, and environmental organizations at the European Union level. Founded by like-minded interests who share a common vision for a circular economy, Reloop aims to work as a platform for advances in policy that […]